Redgold Documentation

Redgold Documentation

Getting Started

Welcome to the Redgold Core docs page, here you'll find information about what Redgold is, how to use it, and how to participate in the network. This project is still in experimental development, and not fully released to production. Right now it can be used from development environments, but is not yet stable.

This guide is a quick-start intended to give you information about the most important commands, please see the more detailed references and guides for additional information.

To learn more about the project, please see the About Page


There's a few different options for installation right now.

You can pull the docker image and run it that way

docker run redgoldio/redgold:dev --help

This currently can only be used to run the CLI commands or a node, not the GUI.

You can also navigate to the GitHub Releases Page to find the latest binary releases for your platform. These are pre-built binaries that can be run locally to run the CLI, GUI, or Node. Currently only Linux & Mac is supported

wget \
-O redgold
chmod +x redgold
./redgold gui
wget \
-O redgold
chmod +x redgold
./redgold gui

You can also install with cargo to pick up new updates. This requires Rust to be installed on your system

cargo install redgold
redgold gui


✨ Well done! You've installed Redgold

To run any CLI commands, you can run redgold --help to see the available commands. Please see the other guides for a more detailed overview of the CLI & Advanced GUI functionality. The GUI is recommended for most users, and has support for deploying nodes, managing your wallet, hardware signing, and more.